Seborrhoeic dermatitis

Meet your dermatologist for seborrhoeic dermatitis treatment

Aluer-Skin clinic in calicut

Keratin, a protein, makes nails strong and protects against harm. Damaged, discoloured, or infected fingernails suggest a health issue that must be treated.

Your dermatologist will check your nails and the skin around them to determine whether you have nail fungus. Fungus may spread from the skin, therefore it’s crucial to keep an eye on it. A fungal infection of the skin, such as athlete’s foot, might already be present.

You have to treat the whole diseased region if you want the infection to go away.

Your dermatologist may obtain samples before making a final diagnosis. It’s good to collect some dirt from under a nail, cut off a piece of the nail, or scrape off a small section of skin. These samples may then be studied in detail under a microscope in a lab to determine the root of the issue.

Seborrheic dermatitis, commonly known as seborrheic eczema, is a skin disorder characterised by sebaceous gland irritation and overactivity. It may damage hair follicles and limit hair growth if left untreated. The disorder is caused by Pityrosporum ovale, a naturally occurring yeast fungus that feeds on sebum when the body’s usual defences fail to regulate its development. The increase in sebum production, together with the presence of the fungus, may cause inflammation, itching, and irritation, possibly leading in hair loss and stifling hair growth in the impacted region.